The position of Runner is for anyone who wants to learn more about DM, but doesn't want to be too committed. You are expected to RAISE $40, but more importantly, you don't have to run!
Dancers spread DM spirit throughout the school by wearing DM gear on Wednesdays, selling candy bags, and attending WHO club meetings. They are expected to RAISE $80.
A morale captain is someone who pumps up the dancers to get excited for dance marathon. You are the leaders of the group, so own it! This job entails missing a couple of homerooms, wearing wacky outfits on Wednesdays for DM spirit, making a firstgiving account, supporting your fellow dancers, and making DM more fun! Being a captain means having a greater time commitment and the willingness to raise more money for the night of. Morale Captains are also expected to RAISE AT LEAST $120.